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Medical Information

For those students with medical issues, please review this important information relating to our medical policies. Below you will find the required medical documents and some helpful hints to ensure your son’s health and safety at school.  Please thoroughly review the information. All forms will be due BEFORE the start of the school year.

Emergency Action Plans

If your son has been diagnosed with one of the following documented health conditions, an action plan is needed and must be completed by your son’s medical provider. Below are examples of action plan forms that may be used, or the student’s physician may use a different, preferred form.

Regardless of the severity or frequency of his condition, it is essential we have the appropriate paperwork on file. This is to ensure that if a medical situation arises, school staff and emergency response personnel are aware of the student’s medical needs. All action plans are kept on file for one calendar year and are required to be updated and resubmitted yearly.

Medication at School

  1. Students who require prescription medication during the school day must have a medication authorization form on file. All medication must be unexpired, provided to the school by the parent/guardian, in its original pharmacy-labeled container. Prescriptions must be signed by a medical provider. Prescription medications will be kept in the dean of students’ office. It is recommended that students with asthma and allergy action plans keep an inhaler or EpiPen in the dean of students’ office for emergency use.
  2. Students who choose to self-carry their inhalers, EpiPens, or other approved medications must have a self-management form on file. The student needs to know how to administer the medication.
  3. A limited amount of non-prescription medication may be carried and self-administered by students. Students should never share prescription or non-prescription medication with another student. Non-prescription medication is not provided by the school.

Other Health information

Illness During School

Students leaving school during the day due to illness should go through the dean of students’ office to be excused. These students will be required to get permission from a parent to leave school, transported in the manner that reflects the parents’ wishes.

Medical Excuses and/or Medical Needs That Require Accommodations

Should be brought to the dean of students’ office or have documentation from the medical provider’s office faxed to (402) 548-3807.


All students are required to have an up-to-date immunization record on file. If we have not received your son’s immunization form from his prior school, you will be notified.