The Creighton Prep discipline process is rooted in Gospel values and the profile of The Graduate at Graduation. The purpose of the Creighton Prep discipline process is to provide immediate and consistent logical consequences that will facilitate personal growth and development of social skills. Students who experience consistent, logical, and realistic consequences learn that they have positive control over their lives.
Helpful Shortcuts
- Discipline Summary - Log on to PowerSchool.
- Fines and Fees - Log on to PowerSchool.
- Attendance Summary - Log on to PowerSchool.
- General Forms - sidebar to the right
- Check Daily Announcements
- Student-Parent Handbook
- Submit an Absence
Creighton Prep recognizes that class attendance is critical to the learning process. Students are therefore limited to six absences for any reason in a course during a semester. Students are therefore limited to six absences in a course during a semester for any reason.
Any excused absence from or tardiness to school requires notification from a parent or guardian. If a note is not possible in advance of the absence, a phone call or email is required before 8:30 a.m. on the day the student is absent. For longer planned absences, parent notification is required in advance, and the student is required to communicate with his teachers regarding what he will miss.
Absences may be phoned in to the dean of students’ office at (402) 393-1128 or emailed to Notes for absences may be hand-delivered by the student or faxed to (402) 548-3807.