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Creighton Prep Alumni Memorial Mass This Sunday, November 17

Dear Alumni, Parents and Friends of Creighton Prep,

When a loved one dies, our connection with them never really ends. In the Catholic tradition, the darkening days of November are a time in which we slow down to remember our inseparable connection to those who have died. Even more, we remember that our faith promises that the separation is not forever; God’s promise is that in Christ’s victory, every tear will be wiped away and everything is being made new (Rev. 21).

We thank you for joining us in prayer to remember your loved ones and for all the loved ones of the Prep community.

Looking ahead to our planned liturgy in 2024, we invite you to join us for Mass on Sunday, November 17, 2024. This event is held to honor our former students who passed away during the calendar year, from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024. However, we also encourage alumni, family and friends to join us to celebrate the lives of these and other loved ones who have died.

Whether you are able to attend or not, we treasure the opportunity to pray for your loved ones at our school’s daily liturgy. You can help us do this by using the form below to send us the names of your deceased loved ones. We will place all the names of these loved ones at the altar in the Skinner Chapel during the month of November and pray for them daily during our community Eucharist.

These prayers and Masses are our gift to you, and it is our privilege to minister to you in this way.

May God bless you now and always. We are grateful you are a part of the Creighton Prep community.

In God’s love,

Fr. Matthew Spotts, SJ

(Below, you can register to attend and/or share prayer intentions for your deceased loved ones.)


  • Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 10 a.m.
  • Henry L. Sullivan, SJ Campus Center.
  • Please use the west entrance. 
  • Refreshments and pastries will be served after Mass.

Register to Attend The Mass

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Brandis Adams

Brandis Adams

Advancement Coordinator
School: Ext. 3439
Amy Knight

Amy Knight

Director of Events
School: Ext. 3322