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Creighton Preparatory School owns the Omaha Creighton Prep (OCP), Creighton Preparatory School, Creighton Prep (CP) and Prep names and Seal logo, the CP logo, the Athletic logo and the Jr. Jays name and logo. These names and logos are valuable trademarks because they are the brands by which we communicate our commitment to the highest levels of Jesuit education.
All rights related to these names and logos are reserved by Creighton Preparatory School. None of these names and logos should be used in any way without first obtaining the expressed written consent of Creighton Preparatory School.
All information will be forwarded to the appropriate people. You will receive a reply to this request within three business days. The Athletic Director’s approval is required for all athletic teams, clubs and organizations. The Assistant Principal for Student Affairs’ approval is required for any other clubs, organizations or events. The moderator/coach and Dean’s signatures are required for all requests. This form will be kept on file in the Dean’s Office. Any changes to this design must be approved in advance.