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Learning Resources

Creighton Preparatory School recognizes that all students learn differently, giving our students what they need to be successful. We provide appropriate, individualized accommodations for students who can provide a clear statement of a specific diagnosis from a qualified professional made within the last three years.

This diagnosis must include a narrative describing the student's disability and specific recommendations for academic compensatory strategies. Creighton Prep will collaborate with families and students in developing an appropriate accommodation plan that can be implemented within the capabilities of our resources.

Care for the Whole Person

Cura personalis, or care for the whole person, is a core value of Jesuit education that has existed at Creighton Prep since its inception more than 140 years ago. It has guided the efforts of faculty and staff members to recognize the gifts and challenges that each student brings with them and to respond as needed to form them as Men for Others who, by their lifelong example, help inspire many others to service for the greater glory of God.

Over time, of course, the response by Prep to the challenges faced by students has grown with the changes in society that have asked more of youths and their families. For example, with higher tuition came more financial assistance. With the expansion of courses and college options, guidance counseling. With the recognition of learning differences among students, a Cura Personalis Program and accommodation plans.

Our four-person Cura Personalis Team consisting of a school LIMHP, a learning specialist, an academic coach and a director of outreach and advocacy will work to augment the efforts of guidance counselors when special circumstances arise and more specialized expertise is required.

Magis Scholars Program

Magis Scholars is a year-long course for freshmen only. This course assists in preparing freshmen to handle the rigors of a college preparatory curriculum. Topics covered are organization, time management, study habits and strategies, test taking strategies, self-advocacy, vocabulary development, reading comprehension and an introduction to critical thinking skills.


Bridget Cannon-Hale

School: Ext. 3394


Kevin Kaminski

School: Ext. 3327